Looking for directions on how to find or get to us? Check out our directions below!

Google Maps or GPS location

The easiest way to find our main Waitangi base is to use Google or Apple Maps.  You can find a quick link here – or alternatively use the map below!

You can also just type “Horse Trek’n” into your Sat Nav – or our GPS co-ordinates: -35.256232, 174.069089

Our Base Address:

33 Bayly Road
New Zealand

Looking to drive to our location? Follow the instructions below from the following popular locations:

Most of our visitors will already be in Paihia, so it’s only a short journey to get to us in Waitangi.

  1. Travel north out of Paihia, with the sea on your right-hand side.
  2. At the roundabout, go straight-on (2nd exit)
  3. Continue carefully over the old one-lane bridge, there is a space half-way along the bridge on the left-hand side for up to 2 regular vehicles to pull in and give way.
  4. Follow the main road past the famous Waitangi Treaty Grounds on your right-hand side and then the Waitangi Golf Club on your left.
  5. Take the next right turn up Bayly Road, just as the road turns to gravel from tarmac.  On either sides of Bayly Road you may see some of our horses in the fields.
  6. Take the first left up Bayly Road, after around 200 metres into the Waitangi Education Centre.
  7. Continue a further 100 metres along this drive up to a large parking area surrounded by some large garages and a couple of houses.
  8. Park somewhere safe on the edge of the area (try to avoid blocking other people in if you can) and come and say “hello”.
  1. Travel north out of Auckland on State Highway 1.  It’s a long journey but many picturesque places to stop and visit including Warkworth, Whangerei, Waipu and Kawakawa – famous for its Friedensreich Hundertwasser toilets!
  2. Just before you reach Kawakawa, there is a roundabout at which take the 2nd exit and go straight over, rather than turn left into Kawakawa.  This will take you on to Paihia.
  1. Travel along State Highway 1 from Kawakawa, or from as far north as Kaitaia in the opposite direction
  2. When you reach Pakaraka, turn off State Highway 1 and go up State Highway 10
  3. Continue for 7.5km until you reach Puketona and turn right down Puketona Road.
  4. Follow Puketona Road for around 10 minutes, past Haruru Falls, until you reach the Paihia coast.
  5. At the coastal roundabout, turn left (1st exit), and follow our directions to Waitangi from #2 in the first section.

Not traveling by car? Check out these alternative transport options:

For those without cars, we may be able to pick you up from locations in Paihia including outside of the main i-site in central Paihia

It may also be possible to arrange for a pickup from your hotel. When making your booking just add a note stating you require a pickup and we will be back in touch!

If you would like to book a taxi (or shuttle if you are a large group), then we recommend using the Paihia Taxi Shuttle. You can contact them directly on +64 9 4079515, or visit their website here.

Unfortunately at this stage there is no regular bus route to Waitangi from Paihia or the wider area. We’ll be sure to update you if this changes though!

Another option on a nice summers day is to walk or cycle up to our base – also a really healthy and environmentally friendly way to visit us for the day!

From the centre of Paihia we are around a 50 minute away, or a 20 minute cycle and you will get to see some stunning views on the way.

We’re also located right next to the Waitangi Mountain Bike park – so if you do cycle up this is a great way to spend your morning or afternoon after your ride as well!